Live It : Follow Doco Peeps on Twitter

These are fun people to follow on twitter …


> Film news and tips throughout the day, every day.

ERROL MORRIS @errolmorris

> documentary filmmaker

ROTTEN TOMATOES @rottentomatoes

> Unite the critics, inform the world.


@ThatKevinSmith Body? L.A. Mind? N.J.
It begins with me covered in sperm, trapped in my old man’s balls. Then, suddenly… ESCAPE!

4. Judd Apatow

juddapatow.pngTwitter has become an immediate, collaborative tool for many filmmakers on and off the set. To help write jokes for his speech at the Producers Guild Awards, Judd Apatow hit up his community of followers. Apatow (“Bridesmaids,” 2011, “Knocked Up,” 2007) included this joke from @omitofo: “Inception is really about Hollywood. Everyone’s constantly trying to ruin your dreams so they can make a buck.” Follow Apatow on Twitter (@JuddApatow) and tell him a joke. If you’re lucky, he may just use your creation to amuse and entertain others.